“Claire Elisabeth weaves a magical tale from loss to redemption that is reminiscent of the book Eat, Pray, Love. Everyone who has (or has had) a mother needs to experience the healing power of this touching book.”
~ Linda Hardenstein – Consultant
“Claire writes for all of us. She shares her life story with candid honesty and lighthearted humor. We are right there with her, healing ourselves alongside her. Countless times I thought she was peeking into my own memory bank, as I remembered having the very same thoughts and feelings that she was describing.
As you read her story, you’ll feel it and know it: this is your love story, too. You are breathing hope into your own journey of healing and wholeness, just by believing this: that you, too, can clear through whatever is in the way of loving and birthing your true self.”
~ Anne Provax, MFT – Psychotherapist
“Reconcile reads like a poem.”
~ Barbara Green – Intuitive Counselor
“I lost count of how many times this book made me cry. Not because the story hurt me, but because the achingly honest beauty of her words refused to stop opening my heart. Claire’s story is intensely personal, but in her telling, she shows us the insides of the universal process of turning grief into love.”
~ Ewan Townhead – Writer, Coach